Hear what our volunteers, parents and students have to say about our organization and store.
"I have been a volunteer at Light A Dream for six years and my daughter, Sonia, has worked there during that time. She has learnt how to make, package, and price candles as well as how to approach and assist customers. These skills she may not otherwise have had the opportunity to develop."
-Faye (mother to a student)

"The JAC program was (and I assume still is!) an opportunity for students to integrate with the Cegep community as well as learn basic business skills and to gain work experience. The academic objectives were being met, as students combined work study courses with auditing Cegep classes that held an interest for them. The frustration occurred when confronted with job placements......there just wasn't much out there that would provide a meaningful and diverse experience. So LAD was born! We started in the basement of an old LBPSB building making only rolled candles. It was successful enough that the CLD (and my faithful VISA card!) provided us with a start-up grant and we moved to a rental property on Cartier in Pte. Claire. It was important that we become an integral part of a business community, so a store front location made sense. LAD is successful because of the support of the schoolboard, the work of the volunteers, and the funding provided by numerous organizations."
-Michelle Potter (Founder)
"Light A Dream has allowed our daughter, Pamela, to develop the strengths and abilities such as discipline, social skills, and most of all confidence to face the challenges of everyday life. But not only that, she has made many friends - her peers - that have enabled her to be more independent of us, her parents."
-Richard (father to a student)

"Our son Logan, a twenty-two year old with Down Syndrome, has been involved with Light A Dream for just over a year now and would not miss his time there for anything. [...] He is learning skills that he will be able to use in future employment not the least of which is working at the cash, his favourite, but which also include many other basic job skills: being on time, working with others, planning, taking responsibility and so on. We are so grateful that this wonderful little shop is available to our son as well as to many young people who might not otherwise have this opportunity to develop their skills and talents in such a supportive and positive environment. "
-Angela (mother to a student)
"Light A Dream has helped me in many ways, such as gain more confidence and peace of mind while just being in the store which put me in a good mood. I feel more calm when I am at LAD and the store has helped me control my stress level. It also brought out the creative side of me that I never knew I had. I think that is the most important thing about the store itself because it brings out your brighter side of your personality and gives you a much brighter day. "
-Rachel (student)